A Clockwork Universe14600.html Russell uses the phrase "A Clockwork Universe". Museums have intricate and beautA Second as a Standard62468.html Take for instance a naturally vibrating string. It's vibration is natural and ac Actienic Rays The sun focalizes what are called Actienic Rays from its parent s The ground of it is that we NEVER react to outside influences. We ALWAYS react tActivating Your Creativity40581.html 2003, 07/25 Following along on our discussion of creativity I was wondering abouActivating Your Power to Create39628.html 2003, 07/21 Been doing some deep contemplation and study on how to create or recAluminum and the Mind29190.html Aluminum and the Mind 2003, 01/09 For all that we do not know about aluminum th Up until a short time ago America and Americans (in general) were very much admi When the Japanese began marketing automobiles into America Detroit laughed. TheyAmerica's Soaring Prison Population43073.html I've interviewed a few people who've spent time on the inside of this nightmare.An Attack on the World is an Attack on Yourself19899.html "The secret of salvation [Salvation from what? From your own self-created illusiApplying Peace for Creativity17176.html As I read and contemplate the rules Ingalese gives concerning using the Law of o In Great Art there is a nebulous "something" that puts it above mediocre or run- Atlin is more than radiating a frequency or combination of frequencies (chord or Something extraordinary happened at the Albuquerque conference. This has happene Atlin On The Road Dale Pond, June 1997 ÒThereÕs no fire, folks. Please remain cAtlin, Harmony and Instant Awakening36261.html I'd like to add something about the possibility as voiced by some, of evil or deAtlin, Spirits and Demons35864.html Every single thing that exists is made of Mind. Because there only is Mind takin I don't think there is any one thing we ALL do that is as detrimental to us and 2003, 05/09 Awakening is partly about seeing old things/ideas with new eyes. A n When one awakens the first thing they realize is they have always been awake! ThAwakening and Free Energy70361.html Awakening and Free Energy by Dale Pond 2005, 02/04 Q: Dale, what you are speakinAwakening from Illusion22276.html An illusion does not exist excepting in our consciousness. An illusion is a figmAwakening from The Matrix68519.html I agree America is in deep doo-doo. Probably deeper and smellier than any of usAwakening is Regaining Sanity.html War is insane. Those who support and encourage war are insane. Obama supports waAwakening Light of Mind33319.html Unless and until the underlying premises of SVP and similar science/philosophiesAwakening Scientific Mind61598.html Speaking of un-freezing, these articles* written and promoted by science itselfAwakening to Mind in Matter70560.html Awakening to Mind in Matter Dale Pond 2005, 02/06 I won't go into what some hav It is my opinion (haha!) the Jews, or rather those posing as Jews, took over the Balance & Imbalance 2003, 01/23 MM: ThereÕs obviously been a lot of discussionBearden & Bedini Article24559.html This article by Bearden is extremely important. What it says is more or less wha Bearden: "It means that the charge continuously absorbs statistical virtual ene In the "old days" criminals were treated, punished or executed (murdered) in the I'm not sure what "being spiritual" means or is. I suppose that phrase means difBelief Creates Life or Death.html I've often wondered deeply why some get so involved with so-called Christian rel Belief Systems 2002, 07/10 All religions, whether state sponsored, "God" sponsoBent Sticks and Lightning Bolts9722.html Bent Sticks and Lightning Bolts Each one of these wave modes can be transformeBig Bang and Consciousness55122.html The Big Bang of course is nonsense if for no other reason than "What preceeded t John McGrath wrote: I do not understand bypolar, I have intensive highs and lo "There is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, norBringing Change Through Love45632.html 2003, 11/27 People have been mis-educated to unquestioningly obey authority even What is Brown's Gas? The gas that comes out of a Brown's Gas generator. That's tCapitalism vs Corporatism27023.html Capitalism is simply working with capital as a tool. It is a neutral tool. Capit Cause vs Effect Dale Pond 2004, 07/27 During the past several weeks I've been gCentralization/Decentralization43796.html 2003, 10/25 In the world of matter the center does not move; i. e., has no motio Centropy, a Sketch Dale Pond 01/01/08 Some of us in the New Energy field have b This quote below from Bearden is quite interesting. This paragraph clearly illus People are creatures of habits and that includes habitual ways of thinking or raChanging Consciousness59823.html As Ernest Holmes was about his teachings some time ago which continues to this dCharge of the Paul Liberty Brigade.html Half a league half a league, ÊÊÊÊÊHalf a league onward, All in the valley of Dea posted to Grillflame forum As Terresa said in "The Language of Light" one must w We always have choices - otherwise we are victims of the idea we are "forced" inChrist and Anti-Christ20773.html If Christ is our Whole Mind (Cosmic Consciousness) then anti-christ is our littlCommunity, What Is It?41823.html 2003, 07/28 Community (standard definitions) Quick definitions (Community) # n posted to DailyPaul.com Conformity is a mental disease. Conformity subverts theConsciousness or Spirit?42823.html 2003, 08/06 Theology originally concerned itself with the multi-dimensional univ I posted this word (consubstantiaity) and its definition to show that science doContracting with God53505.html >Can God be bound to an earthly contract? To contract with another implies sepa I like the corn burner idea. The more I think about it the more I like it. It isCorrespondence with Colors10035.html Correspondence with Colors OCTAVE FREQUENCY NOTE COLOR 48 316659348799488 D submitted to Dave Patrick of Project 2012 on 01/26/09 Creating Our ExperiencesCreativity and Dynaspheres40214.html Creativity and Dynaspheres ©Dale Pond 2003, 07/25 Some engineer types might beCreativity and the Flow of Life41184.html 2003, 07/27 More thoughts on creativity and being in the Flow of Life. "Your meDale's Hip & Back Healing 1 of 278945.html The following is about my seemingly miraculous healing. Dale Pond [edited verDale's Hip & Back Healing 2 of 279536.html From - Sat Nov 11 13:08:08 2000 X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 000000 I do not agree with orthodoxy about "dark matter" (according to their definition 2003, 06/16 We all desire stuff, right? We desire a better life, more abundance,Destructive Behavior74626.html > religious people were systematically engaging in torture > and worse practicesDiscerning Wholeness38243.html Can we know the whole? What whole? Why is it a whole? What is a whole comprisedDiscovering the Unknown43597.html 2003, 10/18At the root of this issue is the question "Who am I?" asked by each/sDissociation/Association64437.html Molecular Liquid Water + Heat dissociates into Intermolecular Water Vapor. Inte I feel you are over reacting with this bit of humor. The piece was not written b 1) a dowsing instrument is a feedback mechanism 2) there is the target (undergro According to Russell's paradigm, which I find not that much different from severDynaspheres & Artificial Intelligence74970.html Generally I have no opinion about what others think about my work. The logic goeDynaspheres = Female Force/State45344.html 2003, 11/15NOTE: The following message may be a bit disturbing or uncomfortableDynaspheric Dynamics54951.html After sleeping on the Keely quote and reading your [Dawn's] comments upon arisin in a letter to Prateek: Since I wrote last just a few days ago my research into in a letter to Prateek: This is all so very interesting and synchronistic. I wa I've been discovering, learning and walking the "spiritual science" path for somEgo, Defined as Memories45047.html For me, in my ever-evolving theory, the mind is not "seated" in the body at all.Egoic Thinking Becomes Matter (tumor)44500.html Whole Mind thought (peace, innocence, Love) is undifferentiated and without moti IF Awakening is being ego-less and IF character is an effect of ego then I wish Energy transfer, according to SVP, takes place between centers and not "particle About Energy Development. Read this lengthy article analyzing the global energy/Engineering With Light, Life and Love2070.html Engineering (literally) with Light, Life and Love © Dale Pond, 1998 - DaleSVP@ipEntropy or Centropy?50325.html The conventional view that the universe is only running down into more and moreEnvironmental Interactions55605.html SVP recognizes every thing is composed of Mind Stuff (interetherons) making them You are correct. Everything is 3D in the real world. But in terms of working in This could take a book. I'll post a few rough and ready basics. All of this (and DO NOT PUBLISH THIS ARTICLE Many have have made attempts to define "ether". http Air is a collection of atoms and molecules. Space (as in empty space) does not e It is said every event is an opportunity to Awaken. As I see it everything thatFluid Dynamics & Vortex Motion31042.html Fluid Dynamics & Vortex Motion 2003, 01/28 I tried to illustrate just this idea Just read most of the book "Ford - the men and machines" by Lacey. I stopped jus The "forum experience" like any relationship is one of self discovery. (paraphra posted to SVP Forum A few days ago I posted a link to a video of Sky Shields of In the Schiller Institute article they make much of not using A=440 Hz because oFunctions of Numbers52826.html A difficulty with numbers in music is they are not always numbers in an arithmet I've read of this monolith to stupidity before. Whoever commissioned the work re Get out of debt and stay out of debt. Sixteen years ago I got cross-ways with tGetting What You Want76418.html I don't presume to have all the answers but I do have an interesting perspective What is "God"? There are as many definitions as there are people able and willin It is not so much a case of being right as it is finding a way to be in life tha God didn't create anything because God, as most know and use the term, does not What I'm saying is there is no God as portrayed in some of the ancient and 'sacr God is not the form but seeming substance of form; i.e., seeming motion. We have What we are attempting to achieve in our lives is harmonious wholeness in the ph Is physical gold the same as "imagined", "mental" or "spiritual" gold? Good ques There is a lot of talk out there about the spiritual value of gratitude. This ur I don't think gravity will be understood and utilized until and unless orthodoxGRAVITY, SYMPATHY & LOVE32180.html GRAVITY, SYMPATHY & LOVE 2003, 03/19 The subjects of gravity and errant behavio Hi Everyone, This post is in response to those having difficulties with othersHarmonics of Creativity39764.html Upon awakening this morning I had an insight into how our creative thinking canHarmonics, Partials and Overtones69735.html Some call harmonics partials and some call partials harmonics. Any division of a We are being called to go within for our guidance in all things. This means indi Q: Is ATTENTION (SVPVRIL) and/or LOVE (SVP) the answer to healing ourselves fromHealing Devices and Forces31475.html Healing Devices and Forces 2003, 02/15 What would it mean if a device were crea The idea of healing the world is being pursued by many, perhaps millions, at thi I do not wish to cast aspersions on any remedy or therapy any find helpful. The An unbalanced thought is an unbalanced thought. If we give emphasis to it we areHealing with Mind 1 of 231683.html Healing with Mind 1 of 2 2003, 02/19 Every body organ has its own chord or signHealing with Mind 2 of 231833.html Healing with Mind 2 of 2 2003, 02/19 If we ever are to have some good reliableHealth, Disease and Thinking43349.html 2003, 10/14Why do you think ANY treatment has ANY effect? Everything and all ide It is an interesting phenomenon that any new thing or thought matrix is immediatHeat or Thermal Activity7313.html Heat or Thermal Activity All science knows that heat is a vibratory phenomena. The Meyer system has not been confirmed to be sufficient to power a vehicle withHonoring Others in the Business World42073.html During my visit with some venture capitalists the chief negotiator for their sidHopelessness or what it means to BE One52650.html Ever get the dreaded feeling the world is going to hell and there is nothing youHow can Ether be Modified?64512.html Q: How may the ether be modified? A: To answer your question we would need to h Should we ever take ourselves too seriously we are indeed headed down the wrong I definitely understand where you are coming from. In my time I have run afoul o On Feb 26, 2008, at 11:04 PM, Leslie R. Pastor wrote: Electron Filmed in MotioImpregnation Ð Inreach/Outreach11029.html With Quimby on one side and Ingalese and Russell on the other it may be that whe In SVP living in Love is being in the Now. One of the things or thought construcIndividual vs Common Goals.html Individual vs Common Goals On October 21st, 2008 dalesvp says: posted on DailyPa Intent, being of the thought processes, is of the Mind or consciousness. Intent Years ago when the internet was raw and forming I would sign up with most of theInvestigating Subtle Energies.html Posted to http://grillflame.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=46442#46442 David MasonIs a Brain Necessary?44638.html Until recently I would have agreed with the view the physical brain transduces t In a recent email exchange with a close friend we wondered if SVP is indeed a su While it is true Wal-Mart brings some benefits to a community it also brings dif Keely: Supposedly reborn circa 1990 which would make him about 14 years old now.Keely's Atomic Pitch80827.html On Jan 11, 2007, at 11:40 AM, D.C. wrote: > Did Keely ever note the equation fo Keely used accurate English words accurately. The problem comes in because he waKeely's Water Dissociation75394.html One of the main reasons people are not succeeding with Keely or in dissociating BIBLICAL Father, God = Eternal Creative Whole Mind Void = Quiescent (depolar/und Know you Know 2003, 01/04 So sad it be few choose to see.. For it is fear most Knowledge can indeed be a powerful force or tool - in the hands or mind appropriKundalini - The God-Force?66557.html This is quite extraordinary (Krishnamurti's description of Kundalini). I've notLaminated Building Material21089.html Create a laminated material that is 1) insulated 2) easy to make 3) inexpensiveLaw of Sympathetic Oscillation77727.html Some of these "scientists" really shine (in their own minds). They are at best J In a sense I agree with you on the gravity question - that it will be seen to be Lesser of Two Evils? On June 4th, 2008 dalesvp says: posted to dailypaul.com Is I do not believe in "life after death" as conventionally understood. It is not l "Life as a whole, is a continuous thing; emanating from power, energy, God-consc Conventional views hold that Light is a thing separate from Mind. I agree with R Sometimes it is difficult to write of these things. Writing is not our best formLove = Nuclear Strong Force23676.html I'd like to add something about why Love is so important to SVP and physics in gLove = Sympathetic Streams45941.html Thanks for asking this all important question and giving some real life experien LOVE Resist not the pull but seek your sight What you see and feel is but gentlLove, Sympathy & Fear42386.html It IS a sex universe. Every 'thing' is polar and each pole is always seeking toLucifer in The Secret Doctrine.html Well, thank you for the reading exercise. The quote submitted felt so wrong I haMachines and Creativity71199.html Q: When we MAKE something to mimic our I creative powers in being made within aMagic, Radionics and Mind27213.html Magic, Radionics and Mind Dale Pond 2002, 12/31 Magic, as commonly misunderstooMaintaining the Liberty Movement.html posted to dailypaul.com Since about the time Dr. Paul started getting big suppoMathematics and Reality25712.html In mathematics the "=" sign means what is on the left is the same as what is onMichelson & Miller Experiments65666.html To be begin with these experiments did not measure ether. They measured the velo The Mind I speak of, in caps, is the Cosmic Mind. Some call this God, Allah, or "1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was wi According to Russell and Keely (and to which I agree) matter (our bodies) are ou posted to svpvril forum "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesu Universal Mind is the Creative Force of the Universe. The Undifferentiated UniveMind, Consciousness and God35130.html 2003, 05/28 This morning I had an interesting email exchange with a person not o kirk wrote: > and why do mirrors reverse left and right but not top and bottom? Communism never really existed. Have you ever read any of their propaganda? Smal Last week I had taken the sphere and drum assemblies apart for cleaning and poli I'd like to throw out something about the above ideas concerning Space -> Motion In developing Atlin and a theory of it we've encountered a number of dilemas, paMurduring the Innocent20534.html Hi Everyone, This post is in response to those having difficulties with others Music notation is wonderfully expressive to those who've learned to read it. The The NDE phenomenon is an event that happens in consciousness or rather is witnesNeutrality of Consciousness25561.html Been doing some meditating on who we are and what Life is. Should we consider coNew Energy Technologies are Coming.html posted to dailypaul.com These arguments are based on known technologies and wilNEW SCIENCE & NEW TIMES11566.html New Science & New Times by Dale Pond - October, 1996 There is a new phenomena b Newtonian Physics (The Physics of Effects) Newtonian Physics are the descriptiv Joe, It is almost impossible to respond accurately to the post below because th The author and those he quotes are slugging it out in the Nightmare City of sociNonequivalence of Music Intervals 1 of 218881.html Been playing around with that interval chart this morning. I "discovered" it onlNonequivalence of Music Intervals 2 of 219376.html Below is a "new" scale (subject to modification) that accounts for harmony in su At issue here is a firm unconscious belief in not being loved. Many people hav Not so fast, please On October 9th, 2008 dalesvp says (in bold): > The recent With the utmost respect for Bearden's person and scientific mind and findings, I After writing this I was wondering about the One Mind we each have access to. Y A lot could be said about orderliness and its precursor chaos. Chaos being our m Posted to: http://grillflame.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=46857#46857 It (a scienOrthodoxy meets Unorthodox27678.html Had some time on my hands and thought I'd straighten this mess out. What is happOscillation and Vibration78284.html Oscillation and Vibration Dale Pond 02/12/06 Keely distinguished between "vibra Hi Everyone, I'm new here but not to the subject. In reading some of the recent On second thought perhaps we remember intimacy and Love, not learn it. We've bee 2001, 09/27 We sometimes refer to "impure thoughts" or "sin". These refer to thoPeace, War & Religion32664.html Peace (or war) exists only in the minds of individuals. There is a small percentPeople Connected by Sympathy37553.html 2003, 07/02Every thing that exists vibrates and oscillates perpetually. This mea If it is true every experience a person has is for that person's progression toPersonal and Social Growth.html (date is not exact) 03/2005 "EACH INDIVIDUAL changes inwardly by their own volit 10/05/04. edited 02/10/08: The Golden Spiral or Golden Mean or PHI (1.618...) is Is Newman's plan "B" based on reality? As Bearden pointed out the energy problem Planets do not influence anything to my way of thinking. The planet positions ar "He [Keely] had a desperate struggle in seeking to learn these laws of polarizat Polarity Polarity is simply two opposite states of the same thing. The poles ofPolice Brutality in Oregon.html http://www.blacklistednews.com/view.asp?ID=5266 Posted to DailyPaul.com PeoplePositive/Negative Thinking77442.html Actually: how about the freedom of speech? and isn't negativity a part of realit Cayce's definition of gravity: "What is gravitation? The centralization of vibr Q: How do we stop corporate take-over of America? A: Make corporations illegal.Programming the Matrix58371.html It would appear the "programming" of the matrix is from Mind of Diety (in whichProgressive Evolution9738.html Progressive Evolution Music has a natural instinct or desire to progress upward For generations now we (the world) have been bombarded with an idealogy foreignProperty, Rights & Community41620.html Just as in our New Physics the bottom line is being re-established in part by clPsychological Armoring78699.html Psychological Armoring Dale Pond 01/24/06 - updated 01/28/06 The REAL issPythagoras and Great Synthesis.html Pythagoras revealed the harmonic or rhythmic nature of nature among other things I'm sure there are many devices in many museums similarly labeled. The same "au I reckon I need to explain myself again about where I stand with QA. I worked HAQuantum Arithmetic and Geometry56674.html QA is a complex structure only partially developed. It got bogged down some year Quickening = Awakening Awakening means sudden realization of Greater Truths (in Radionics Dale Pond The word "radionics" grew out of the line of research begunRatios and Proportion52127.html Ratios and Proportion by Dale Pond 2004, 04/14 There are many ways of discussinReassociating Dissociated Water.html Posted to HomeShop machinist Wow! I'm always amazed at what happens when someoRebalancing the Earth58917.html It's been about 3 and 1/2 hours since posting this message. [See "Frequency of ARebirthing of America?48777.html The way this is appearing to shape up is problems cannot be corrected by treatin Some time ago I had an insight to view religions and political issues as issues Some may be surprised to learn Remote Viewing is nothing more than a name change Q: First of all how did Keely's mind grasp these ideas without prior knowledge o Q: ...then Mr. Dawkins dropped the bomb that turned me right off..with this... " What I saw of On November 6th, 2008 dalesvp says: "Republican values" during the Resonance Even though sympathetic vibration and resonance are very much the sam > A clarification, please - is syntropic the same as centropic? I was alertedRights, Principles and Natural Law.html Rights, Principles and Natural Law Dale Pond, 12/07/08 posted to dailypaul.com Sometimes I feel the same. But then I remember when we were more enthused we wouRoots of the Vibratory Etheric Tree part 12309.html Roots of the Vibratory Etheric Tree or the Creation, Transmission and ReceptionRoots of the Vibratory Etheric Tree part 23239.html By using a positive number system for each of the three states we manage to stayRoots of the Vibratory Etheric Tree part 33707.html To understand this we are obliged to review the Law of Force - "Energy manifests What is saving the trees is their monetary value which value is created by their Questions from billym, 2007, 02/23 Q: Do you think Tom Bearden's conception ofScalar, Holy Space & Harmonic Convergence29614.html Perhaps the bush you are beating around is the so-called Harmonic Convergence i Regimented school is no place for a free thinker. Well, neither is regimented cScience & Intuition in Music62300.html It is possible to definite an "exact" second mathematically. There being several A. wrote: Hi Dale, I've a bit of a concern about the spvril forum, I recently a I've been around New Science and psychical physics long enough to affirm 'one pe It all does seem confusing doesn't it? We think our perceptions are real or we tSelf-Sustaining Resonance28014.html Two oscillating objects may be made to sustain a sympathetic resonance between t I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything or convert them to anything except The wind in our faces the shore at our backs a New Land of discovery lies at jou To me this is a continuation of social castration of men. My Mom born in 1929 ha posted to DailyPaul.com Why worry hen you are already a slave? From: http://wwwSleep Dreaming vs Awake Dreaming12311.html Sleep Dreaming vs Awake Dreaming February 9, 2002 During the sleep dream state There are, as usual, several definitions. The first below is from Keely's work w Dale, I was listening to the NBC radio of world events and this morning was twoSpacetime Curvature Engines61381.html I have the utmost respect and consideration for Col. Tom Bearden and your personSpheres of Ideals, Activities and Methods10685.html Spheres of Ideals, Activities and Methods On the following page is a chart of Here are a few quotes supportive of the definition of the word "spirit". "LikeStilling the Ego Body-mind51102.html Some years ago I participated in my first (and only) sacred drumming session. We Theories like Quimby's and other similar sources say the attitude is primary in The Rosicrucians have a tradition of facing the sun in the morning. They claim tSurviving a Crashed Society.html Having been in long term survival situations I can make some sound suggestions a SVP & Digital Sound Dale Pond 12/18/01 If you ever built a dynasphere and held SVP - The Vision The vision that has been ever present since way before dynasph Magic is about using the power of the mind. Magic has taken on unreal mystical p Running an open forum with hundreds of people from diverse countries, professing SVP Forum Focus by Dale Pond 01/25/04 Brain power alone is not going to do much chord = more than oneÊsingle-frequencyÊsound sounded simultaneously. envelope =SVP, Some Perspective35353.html Perhaps what we have here is a misunderstanding. Which is understandable because Those proposing the idea sound or any other influence travels through the air by The energy Keely worked mostly with are the Sympathetic Streams of etheric flow.Sympathetic Vibratory Physics7131.html Sympathetic Vibratory Physics (The Physics of Causes) RESONANCE: When a mechaniSympathy or Sympathetic Vibration or Sympathetic Association8542.html Sympathy or Sympathetic Vibration or Sympathetic Association Sympathy is love o 2004, 01/16 Love is the underlying cause of sympathy or sympathetic vibration/osTerms of Division or Endearment72250.html Thank you for your comments. You bring up something that has been nagging at me Q: "Recently I read a message from Keelynet that said that Tesla was a Thief and We've been building and testing HHO cells for some time. While we are not a "creThe Angry Little Wizards32333.html The Angry Little Wizards 2003, 03/21 Anger is fear coupled with a feeling of heThe Coming New Age of Love5756.html The Coming New Age of Love © Dale Pond - DaleSVP@ipa.net 1) Love is a demonstra The Fall An example of superstition or misinterpretation of cosmic phenomena is The Law of One Everything that is in the uiverse is included in it. Therefore aThe System is a Drama Queen74210.html Watching tv the other day the relative peace and quiet was shattered by a nearby I do not disagree with you Tony. I just have a few more questions than most peop Janet, Our entire government has been stolen from us, not just the courts. TheThinking Up Tornado Alley77971.html You know I've been studying the Power of Mind and that our thoughts create our eThinking vs Awareness19524.html Matter is focalized (concentrated or bound) energy. There are two states or kinThought Sensitive Water74370.html When considering the results Emoto has demonstrated with thought affecting water My thoughts on Time are still under formulation. According to Russell time is an Had a conversation the other day with a friend about the nature of Time. He main Bearden's quote below could be seen as a rephrasing of substantial SVP principle > In the meanwhile, the crux of the matter is that time cannot be known by the >Time - an Effect of Mind63079.html Many research findings remind us of Russell's paradigm in which there are two ma I believe when LaRouche mentions society or civilization moving backwards he is Transformation Dale Pond - September 19, 1997 A pamphlet titled Conversations wTransmuting Negativity53301.html What we perceive going on out there are EFFECTS of people's misbelief systems (bTraveling Photons, an Impossibility33766.html I'm on record as opposing the idea of light traveling through space from stars t "Now if we say that we have seen the Sun in two mirrors-- one the Christ and onTriple Modes of Vibration65875.html My short answer is none of the parameters you request are recognized, settled orTriple Wave Propagation9454.html Triple Wave Propagation There is no such thing as a simple wave form such as a This story reminds me of the time at age 15 I was 30-40 miles from the ranch inTuning Atlin (also Symael and Altea) to Rotate70018.html Tuning Atlin (also Symael and Altea) to Rotate or how to work for and achieve soUndifferentiated Stratum of One Mind78466.html Got this idea this morning about meditating in a different way. Seems to me near Unfounded Concept On June 1st, 2008 dalesvp says: posted to www.dailpaul.com I Vacuum Instantaneously Created Dale Pond, March 23, 2003 11/18/08: Vacuum is anVanquishing the Control Paradigm50125.html Leslie, Thank you again for your most excellent research. I'm going to disagree Vibration as Cycles When a periodic change of state progresses over a long periVibration vs Oscillation36651.html Let's not forget oscillation. As far as I can tell there cannot be vibration wit I dunno.... Seems people can be either leaders (setting own rules) or followers What is a vortex? It is a polarized fluid, in motion. (There must, by necessity, War and Peace 2003, 01/28 During these past few days or weeks I'm noticing a di What is water? Is it the liquid that falls as rain or the liquid filling the oceWater asks: "Who am I?"26811.html Water asks: "Who am I?" I am the Many rejoicing to be One. Be the Rivers accep Waves are EFFECTS of unoberved CAUSES. What are these causes? And how do they cr What Charge Is. Dale Pond 2002, 11/02 In considering what "exactly" takes placeWhat does it mean to be Awakened?13351.html What does it mean to be Awakened? "What is it like to be enlightened or awake?What Electricity Is.40766.html "Electricity is the oscillation of the atomoles of an atom." Keely Logically el Much has been written about experiencing what you want. I'd like to modify that The ether appears to be a series or collection of different energy/matter states If we should consider the subject of Universal Love as from a scientific perspec What a Vibration Is A vibration is usually displayed as a sine wave. This is a Why are we here? The clearest view I've come across goes something like this: GWhy Dynaspheres Cost So Much16951.html During the past several years I've had numerous complaints about the high cost o I'm just now finishing up reading Walter Russell's Home Study Course. A truly re We are not our physical bodies. We are Divine Consciousness misbelieving we are Is it really all about morals (relativistic judgementalism)? Or is it about pri God said let there be light. So the word of God created the universe which means Since when are others hateful of America because of its freedoms? Only an ignora There are certain aspects of the Uniform Building Code and zoning in general tha |
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